Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I definitely have some of the best friends and family- they have already done so much for me the past week, and I am so thankful for them! I hope I will be able to express to them how much I appreciate them.
I have to take a minute to recognize Allison RENEE (is that better Ali?) Cooper for her outstanding dishwashing and dog grooming abilities. The dishes and Buttons have never looked better. She is one impressive 18 year old. Yea Ali!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. your blog looks cute mere! can't wait til ella bella is here and we can see her cute little face all over this page! hope you are having a good day!

  2. ummm, I dried and stacked. Also helped you kick tail at that crossword, but i mean, whatever. No Big Deal

  3. freaking stop putting a ' on the end of my middle name!!

    do you even know me??????????????????
    hah and thanks for the shout out.
